Community Service....It's what we do.
The Nashville Chapter of The Links, Incorporated is committed to providing services where needed in our community. Below please find a few of the projects we have recently contributed to with donations and hands on involvement .
Links In Action.....
2017 Links Day at the Capitol
The Nashville Links participating at the 2017 Links Day at the Capitol.

Voting Information
The Nashville Chapter of the Links, Incorporated sponsored two successful voter registration and voter education opportunities at the main campus of Tennessee State University. Please see this issue of how the Nashville Links chapter is helping the community during this election season.

Rose Buds
During Women's Month, our Arts Facet co-sponsored “The Art of African American Quilting: Black Women Piecing Together Our Past While Keeping Ourselves in Stitches” quilt exhibit at Vanderbilt's Bishop Johnson Black Cultural Center. As the only African American quilting guild in our area, we were pleased that these Zuri Quilting Guild master quilters were available to us share in the rich artistic enterprise that is Nashville’s Zuri quilters by partnering with us as well in our service work with 8th graders at the KIPP Academy of Nashville. Throughout the month of January 2016, these women introduced girls who had never touched sewing machines and, perhaps, unstitched fabric, stitch their way through hours and evenings of sharing, collaboration and creativity in what was a cherished time of cultural memory and intergenerational bonding. This quilt is their work of art that we held together by the masterful quilting of the Zuri Quilters. This intergenational art project, mentoring and exhibit will forever be memoralized in the installation of this banner that shows that we are linked in friendship and service with the youth in our community.

Ivanetta H. Davis Media Center Dedication
The Nashville Chapter of The Links, Incorporated was honored to take part in the dedication of the Ivanetta H. Davis Media Center at McKissack Middle Prep on March 17th, 2016. Mrs. Davis was a founding member of the Nashville Chapter and principal of Moses McKissack Elementary School for over 30 years. Under her leadership McKissack became the first SACS accreditied elementary school in the state of Tennessee. What a wonderful honor for Mrs. Davis' service to the Nashville Community!

Supporting TSU
The Nashville Chapter of The Links, Incorporated led by the International Trends Facet and in partnership with ODIA entered a float in the 2017 Tennessee State University Homecoming Parade featuring the international students of TSU!